Classical Music on the Radio

I live near San Francisco, and the only classical music station I can find on FM is classical-lite: Nothing but war-horses and baroque music, sometimes not even the entire piece is played.

What I am looking for is a station that provides an entire spectrum of classical music, including 20th century. The USC college radio station in Los Angeles used to be this way.

Does satellite radio have a station of this kind? Any recommendations?
Man, one thing I really miss about moving to Georgia from NJ: WQXR. One good reason to own a Magnum Dynalab Etude: WQXR.
a real HI FI radio station.
What you need is a Squeezebox or at least some way to stream stations from your computer. You'll have many choices then. I like WGBH in Boston.

Satellite isn't so great at least on Sirius. They have them niched into symphonic, chamber, and pops. It's just doesn't work for me. I don't think at Sirius that they know how to program classical.

Go the streaming route with a Squeezbox is my advice. The choices are nearly unlimited.
You can use also use an airport express (apple product) and connect it to your system and stream audio off the net. Similar to what Wireless200 suggests. Then you will have a whole host of Classical stations at your disposal from around the globe. I like Radio Swiss Classic and Interlochen Public Radio to name just a couple.If the station isn't on i-tunes you can download software called airfoil (ameba) which will allow you to stream any audio signal through the airport. I believe this is a cheaper alternative to the squeezbox suggestion but believe the squeezebox may provide better audio quality.

Good Luck
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I'm not at all technically savvy. Are you suggesting that I can stream desired radio stations over the internet to my iMac, then have this stream transferred wirelessly to some external device (squeezebox or airport express) that hooks up directly to the preamp in my system?

(If this is not right, please describe the steps as specifically and simply as you can.)