Clear my confusion

Dear all I have a bit of confusion here I am using the canary audio 300B class A mono grand reference with their C1800 pre but somehow I feel the pre is the bottle neck it dose sound good but that 3D holographic images that ghosting of musician in the room feel is missing though the sound has depth and its wide but the former traits are missing.
I am trying to locate a good pre which will lower the noice floor and do the above tricks which I am looking to achieve.
But unfortunately I cannot demo products as in my country there are no good dealers but on my research I have found 2 options they are
Shindo Auriges L( Japanese)
Pure sound L300 ( British)
anyone has experience on the two please let your opinion flow and make it easy for me to decide or if they have heard better kindly recommend. thank you all.  
I suspect the lack of response is due to the fact that Canary is not a popular brand in the US. They are made here but their biggest market is Asia. I learned this from looking for reviews on one of their products and finding very little.
I'd try to find a forum in Asia or maybe Europe
Just change a few resistors and caps in the preamp and you will find the magic without a long drawn out search.

Happy Listening.