Clueless Analog Newbie, Looking to Buy

As stated in the subject, I'm new to turntables, and would like to buy my first turntable. I've got an old NAD integrated AMP and Triangle Titus speakers.

To be perfectly honest, I know absolutely nothing about turntables. Cartridges, weighing etc etc....

I guess I'm looking to buy something used or a cheap new turntable. Thinking of the pro-ject debut 3, or maybe the rega p1. Though I'm slightly hesitant to spend $3-400 on a table I know nothing about. Will the Pro-Ject need some sort of adapter to play 45s?

Any suggestions? Or should I just stick with CDs?
I've got about 500 CDs and no vinyl. I’m not looking to run out and buy 100s of LPs; I’m sure I’ll slowly acquire them just as I have my CDs.

I’m not looking for miracles, just another means to enjoy my music. My father is an audiophile (a member here, but he has insisted I not mention his name... as to not tarnish his reputation) who claims buying one of these cheaper tables isn’t really worth the investment. I realize it won’t be top notch, but I’m perfectly alright with that.

Thanks again to everyone; I’m searching the classifieds here, amazon, and eBay. I’ll let you know how it works out!
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Sounds like all your father's advice on the subject has done is delayed your enjoyment ( or perhaps dissatisfaction ) of an analog front end. Is he willing to pony up some cash to get you an "acceptable" table?

Quite frankly, when I was your age, I "wasted" far more than $400 on far worse ideas. If you don't like the AT table, you'll get most of it back by selling it here on the 'gon. I wish I could say the same for my "bad ideas".
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For some, it's an investment and calculated move for others - passion and joy.
Kids at my local, used LP joint do not need thousands to enjoy vinyl.
Here, most do.

Here's what will happen. You'll buy an inexpensive table and cartridge. You'll
buy cleaning materials and set-up tools. You'll buy some used and new LPs.
Before you know it, your inexpensive $300 foray into vinyl will hit the $600 -
$900 mark.'ll be wondering why vinyl doesn't sound as good as your CDs. So,
you'll buy a more expensive table, arm and cartridge. You'll lose 50% or more
selling your old table and cartridge. Quickly, you'll have spent $2000-$3000,
and you'll still wonder why vinyl only sounds about equal with your CDs.

Read the threads and you'll discover the same story told over and over again.

Listen to your father. He's been down this road already, and he's trying to
save you time, money and frustration.

Unfortunately that is the road we've chosen and there is not ONE person here who didn't get his cherry popped.

To cause you less grieve and expenses - buy used.
But do not be discouraged - try it, listen, be your own judge.
There were a lot of experiences/decisions in my life that cost me dearly - analog rig isn't even close to any of those ..... but I enjoy(ed) them all.
