Coaxials - Reality vs. Experience?

Should say "hype vs. reality" in the headline. 


Coaxial speaker design has been around in one way or another for a long time. I often think I’ll be absolutely blown away by them, but in practice traditional vertical layout speakers often have sound as good, or have other features that make them sound better.

Thiel, KEF, Monitor Audio, Tekton, Seas are among the many players attempting such designs, but none has, by the coaxial drivers alone, dominated a segment of the market.

What are your listening experiences? Is it 1 coaxial speaker that won you over, or have you always preferred them?


I managed to wrestle the keyboard from my wife😅. @herbreichert C'mon, Herb none of this false modesty! You know we know you're a pretty sharp guy! I Know old wisdom says not to let on how smart one really is 😉.

Can we get some initial impressions of the Heretic? We can keep a secret until the review. 

You must be totally confused by one of the bullet points on their site:



"All sounds originate from a single point in space. No transducers all over the place, yielding fuzzy, phasy music reproduction. Excellent soundstage, precise location of instruments and coherency."

Love this hobby.

Truly appreciate you, Herb!


OOPS. After reading the previous few posts. I should make a correction. I know you are a pretty sharp guy!

I’m an Ohm and KEF fan these days. I heard the new Mobile Fidelity Sourcepoints and those caught my ear. In a larger room from further away the inherent coherency of this kind of design matters less.

I have Tannoy Churchill’s with 15 in dual concentrics. Let me tell you they are nothing, I mean nothing like the coaxial and triaxial speakers of yesteryear! 

Pluses and minuses in all designs; pick the flavor that suits.

I was lucky to meet and spend an evening with John Dunlavy in the mid 90s when he was in Colorado Springs (thanks to a local dealer) and have heard all models from small to huge. They could be magic, but only ever for one listener at a time.

For good or bad, those configurations were the largest one-person speakers I ever heard. They were off-the-charts fabulous sounding when you were exactly in the sweet spot. Move an inch right or left and it was gone. Not kidding, gone.