Coda FET 02b Balanced Pre vs Newer Preamps


I am trying to dial into my next preamp.  My 2 channel today has Alta Audio Alec’s (speakers), Anthem D2 Pre being used in Bypass Analogue balanced mode), Lumin U2 mini with S-Booster, PS Audio MK2 Direct Stream DAC and Krell 300xd Duo Amp.  

I’m looking at Parasound JC 2 BP, Music Fidelity M8 Pre or a the above mentioned Coda which was a sleeper when it broke on the scene, highly regarded but is now 25 years old.  I’ve had the Krell Illusion ii and Zesto Leto in my system, pre having the streaming set up I have today.  I stream 99 % of the time with Qobuz.  In my system, the best synergy I have heard between a Pre and my Krell 300xd was a Coda CSiB integrated that I used as a pre.

I can wait and broaden my search, the Parasound and Music Fidelity Pre’s are on my radar because my local dealer represents those brands.  I could jump on the Coda which if it ticks the box, is an exceptional value relative to new but it is 25 years old.  



Hi Zlone - thanks for pointing me in the direction of the CB.  I called Coda, great guys, they walked through the 02b, CB and 07.  

CB likely makes a lot of sense.  The 02b is per Coda at least 25 years old and some of the parts aren’t really available anymore.  Great Pre but parts have improved over the years per Coda.  

07 sounds amazing but not sure I’m looking to put that much more $$ into my system at the moment.  

Did you get the CB or are you looking at? 

@mm1tt77 Did you get the CB or are you looking at? 

I will be upgrading my preamp from a Freya + sometime this year and the Coda CB is #1 on my list, Holo Serene is in second place. I have heard neither due to my location, and have to go by reviews and forum chatter to make my decisions.

Speaking to a dealer, he recommended the CB over the 07 for my system, suggesting the 07 would be overkill. 

Zlone - I got the same type of advice on the CB vs the 07, if I was really happy using the CSiB as a pre only and it was likely one generation behind in the pre section, I would be really happy with the CB, 07 potentially falling into the law of diminishing returns.  I was thinking about the Athena but after talking with Coda highly likely I’ll pull the trigger on the CB.  Keep me posted on what you end up rolling with. 

Good Luck! 

In my experience, Coda is a great, under appreciated company. Probably due to their complete lack of marketing. Great service and support as well.

You won't be disappointed in any Coda purchase.