Coda VS Muse Model 3 Signature

Hello all, I've been in a hard search for about a month for one of a short list of solid state preamps.
Muse Model 3 or 3 Signature
Coda Contiuum Window 4
Classe 5 or CP 50
Bryston BP-25
My Budget is $800.00.
Today, I came across the Muse 3 Signature for $1000.00
and a Coda Contiuum Window version 4 for $800.00. I don't know this Coda model. I've heard a fet 01 and it was very good. This Coda is their lower Continuum series, but seems to be very nice. Has anyone heard both to give me a fair comparison?
I appreciate your informative response. I'm sold the Muse is better than good, but a great piece... I was hoping someone could compare with the also well respected Coda. I have been looking at a new old stock Continuum Window version 4. Which Coda tells me that this single piece is 99% of what is now the CL Preamp.
Sorry, I have had a lot of preamps through here, but no Coda gear whatsoever.
I am anxious to see how the preamp comparision will go once the quality of the balanced cable I am using from preamp to amps with the MUSE preamp matches the quality of rca cables I typically run with my single-ended preamps. I am in the process of putting together a better balanced cable than the (just ok) Sonoran Plateau balanced cable I am currently using.
Mitch, I'm looking forward to receiving a Muse Model 3 in a about a week, purchased here on AudioGon. This preamp looks to be an excellent alternative to my current Marsh P2000. I'll try the Model 3 via balanced connections into a Marsh A400s. If it works well in my system for mainly jazz listening, I'll consider the Signature and external power supply upgrades. Are these two separate upgrades? If you can provide any information on details of your Model 3 upgrades, sonic differences before vs. after the upgrade, or a contact at Muse, please e-mail or post. Thanks very much.
Ucanhear2, I ended up buying the Coda piece myself, but when looking, I found the model 3 averaging between $550 and $650, while the Signature 3 was averaging $800. to $1000... Just want to point that out, If you really like the Muse 3, with a bit of patience you will be able to sell it and pick up the better Signature piece much more affordably than mods. Good Listening, Tim
Timlub, Thanks for your great suggestion. I've been reading up on the Coda Continuum Window 4, and Coda preamps in general. Looks like the Coda would be an excellent choice within my price range. Wish I'd come across this company a bit sooner in my search. I may end up keeping the Muse standard for my smaller system, and as you mentioned, looking for the Model 3 Signature or a Coda for my main system. I'm curious...did you have a chance to directly compare a Model 3 with the Coda version 4? If so, can you describe your impressions?