Coincident Dragon Amplifier

I'm starting to think about a power amp upgrade I'll probably want to do within a few months, and I'd appreciate experienced-based comments on the Coincident Dragon monoblocks.

I would be using them with my Daedalus Ulysses speakers. Even though the Ulysses are 97db/1W/1m efficient, I want amplifier power that approaches the Dragon's 75W rating because I listen to a lot of classical symphonic music having wide dynamic range. The Dragon, with its push-pull 211's, therefore strikes me as an amp that would hopefully provide a nice balance between directly-heated triode sonics and relatively high power.

Its $9K price tag, btw, is at the extreme upper limit of what I would want to spend.

Thanks in advance,
-- Al
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalmarg
You won't be disappointed the VAC's are great. You may want to upgrade to one of their preamps as well.
This is one situation where there`s no bad choice either way. By all word of mouth accounts, the Dragon MarkII is simply phenomenal! However the VAc 70/70 I know pretty well and it`s a genuine all time classic amplifier. These don`t grow on trees, so the chance to buy one in great shape and at an apparently good price, well it makes sense to me. Push-pull 300bs(and a superb power supply) with your speakers must sound splendid.
Enjoy for many years to come.
Great speakers I have the DA-RMAs and power requirements are very similar. I prefer integrated amps and would recommend, as someone has mentioned, the Pathos Inpol2. It is only 50watts, but all Class A and I think it goes very well indeed with Daedalus. Lou was over in the UK recently and he thought it a good match too, unless he was being polite. I like Classical and Opera also and find the power very adequate, though I have a smallish room.

I have now bought an Ayon Spark integrated too, as a change of pace. That is excellent, but different, not such perfect soundstaging, imaging , but a wonderful rich tone.

I am well aware what a good reputation Coincident have, but Ayon to me, seem to be making one of the best range of tube amps out there, with choices at every price level
Al, Congrats on your purchase.

The VAC may have been serendipitous. I have no doubt you would have enjoyed the 211 Dragons but owning/living with an excellent 300b amp (SE or PP) is a great reference point. A 300b amp is at the top of my favoites list.

I also have an SET amp that uses the 211 (Cary 805AE which can also use the 845). It's an experiment to see if I can get an SET to work on my Magnepan 3.6's. For the last year it has worked for me. About a month ago I got a custom 300b push pull and got that AHHHH feeling when I hooked it up to the Maggies. So I can imagine how happy you are.

The Cary still does well in the shootout probably, for me, because it uses a 300b to drive the 211/845 which gives me some of its flavor and it's single ended. I hope one will come out the winner for me, too many amps :-).

Anyway, I'm happy your happy. Enjoy.