Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps

Has anybody heard them with Druid V speakers? Do you think they will have enough power? I listen to mostly jazz, but also blues, rock, and classical. My listening levels are around 75 to 95db.
@charles1dad  the amps sounded wonderful out of the box.  If anything, they are more cohesive now.  The treble settled down and bit and, especially with the KRs, the bass is fuller.  As we discussed, I am concerned about the XLS higher voltage requirements, but you and @cal3713 are both using them with no ill effects, so they must be an acceptable option.  As much as I want the Takatsukis, I simply don't have the money for them.  I wonder if the ones sold by Partsconnexion are seconds or ones that don't measure as well.  I am particularly drawn to the the Psvanes sold by Israel and the EMLs because both come with generous warranties, especially the EMLs.  
I understand your comfort in going with Israel’s recommendation as you have established a level of trust and confidence with him. I’ve never had any problems with him x 10 years, simply none. So I believe you’d be happy with his preferred Psvane.

I’d suggest getting in touch with The owner George is a very long time EML dealer and has sold them to  owners of a multitude of different 300b amplifiers. He is a source of considerable knowledge and experience. The EML XLS is just fabulous in the Frankenstein.
@tswisla What do you want more or less of with the tube upgrade?  Perhaps some talk of that will help folks help you make the decision...
I'll be honest, I love what I am hearing.  At the same time, I always am surprised and love to hear improvements.  I mainly want to be sure that the EMLs are a good match for the Franks before I splurge.  
I think all the tubes you're considering are a good match, but they also will change the sound in different ways. If you want a bit more of a mellow, vintage sound, then try the psvane, if you want more frequency extension and imaging precision, try the eml.  And ideally, try them both.

One caveat is that both Charles and I have tried both tubes and settled on the eml. In my experience, Charles has good ears and makes great recommendations. We also had similar speakers though (coincident super/total eclipses).