Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps

Has anybody heard them with Druid V speakers? Do you think they will have enough power? I listen to mostly jazz, but also blues, rock, and classical. My listening levels are around 75 to 95db.
@tswisla What do you want more or less of with the tube upgrade?  Perhaps some talk of that will help folks help you make the decision...
I'll be honest, I love what I am hearing.  At the same time, I always am surprised and love to hear improvements.  I mainly want to be sure that the EMLs are a good match for the Franks before I splurge.  
I think all the tubes you're considering are a good match, but they also will change the sound in different ways. If you want a bit more of a mellow, vintage sound, then try the psvane, if you want more frequency extension and imaging precision, try the eml.  And ideally, try them both.

One caveat is that both Charles and I have tried both tubes and settled on the eml. In my experience, Charles has good ears and makes great recommendations. We also had similar speakers though (coincident super/total eclipses).
I have been tormented over this decision for months now.  EML XLS, Elrog, Psvane Acme or ?.  Israel has been right every time so far, so I am taking his advice.  I am ordering a pair of Acmes.  He claims they are the best for the Franks.  I will report back!