Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?
The orginial CSL(2009) had 20 db of gain and this was too much for my
system(10/2009).I returned it to Israel and he sent me a unit built with 10
db of gain which is just perfect for me. He can offer different levels of gain
depending on need.My speakers are 94 db at 14 ohms (I use the 16 ohm
tap), amp sensitivity is .7 V and my DAC output is 3..1 volts.
Charles, I asked him about the 10 and 20dB gain options. His answer was pretty much along the lines of "the current CSL has 14 dB of gain. That should put you in the 10 to 2 o'clock area for most of your listening." He appears to have been correct in his prediction, although I think it will tend toward the 10-12 o'clock area.

I think if you were trying to drive his 97 dB efficient speakers with the 20 gain CSL you could have some issues. I don't know if he would have offered a lower gain option if I had pressed the issue. He seemed quite confident the stock unit would work. I would have been concerned about higher gain though. After all, I was using a unity gain passive, and that not ever wide open.

BTW, when I went to bed last night the brightness had passed (~ 5 hrs). After playing at low levels all night and all day, not only is the brightness gone but the lean tonal balance is warming. I just love what i am hearing.
14 db sounds like the right amount of gain for your system's needs.90% of my listening is with the VC set at 11to 1 oclock.Your fun and pleasure with the CSL is in the early stage.Wait until it blossoms, you'll be besides yourself with sheer happiness and admiration. It's really a life long possession piece. Israel is very talented.
Thanks for the update Brownsfan. I agree with Charlesdad comments: your CSL will continue to improve as you use it. Mine has been used for about 300 hours and I can see a significant difference. It sound even more natural, musical than before. Believe me, what you're experiencing is just the beginning of the love story! Personally I now consider it the heart of my system!
You were a longtime advocate for passive units and very happy with their performance. With the active CSL in your system has there been any period of adjustment? How is the music presentation altered? How is dynamic contrast,tone and timbre different if at all?