Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?
Don't get me wrong the VAC is great its just not as transparent or quiet as the Absolare. I think the WE845 tubes are great. I like them much better than the original RCA 845 tubes.
Jordan, I've never used a preamp in my main rig that had a remote. You don't miss what you never had. Plus, my vacations consist of daily 12-20 mile hikes, so I don't think much about the 15 ft from my chair to the CSL. For me the adjustment, which I made long ago, was going from infinitely variable pots to stepped attenuation. That took a while to get used to.
Brownsfan - those are quite long for daily hikes, but hardly compares to standing up from a chair and bending over several times an evening? ;-)

I'm a cyclist and one of my "vacations" each year is to ride the length of the state of Indiana from north to south in 3 consecutive days for a charity event I set up 11 years ago. I'm the only one of the original 4 of us to still be doing the ride (and I was the "old man" of the group in 2003 when we started. The other 3 were in there mid 20's). I was just making fun of myself for being willing to spend so much money for the basic goal of: remote control without a drop in sonic performance.

Stay fit!!
North to south in 3 days is pretty impressive! Back when I was riding I topped out at 36 miles a day. I'm planning on retiring to Tennessee, so that I can hike in the Smokies day after day. That day can't come soon enough. May even get back on the bike, but its a different proposition once one moves out of the flatlands.

Next time I see 4 guys on bikes headed south on I-65 I'll honk and wave!
Good for you, Brownsfan! The Smokies are beautiful and I envy your impending relocation there!

You won't see us on I-65...that's not legal and crazy dangerous. We ride back roads almost the entire way, including through Brown County and it's many steep hills. You should take it up again and don't worry about riding in the's all in the gearing!!