Coincident Statement RC Preamp

I noticed at Coincident's website they have a remote control version of the Statement Preamp.

They say there is a sonic compromise compared to the non rc Statement .

Has anyone listened to it ?

Has anyone listened to both ?

I have Total Victory IV speakers and Frank's 330b amps .
I will update my current preamp ( Supratek Cortese )within 6 months and Coincident products have never disappointed me.

Any input is appreciated.


Pap summed up the CSL attributes very well. Despite hearing many quite expensive audio systems for 3 full days at CES last month
I couldn't wait to get home and hear my CSL-Frankenstein combo. I just prefer natural vs the ultra Hifi sound presentation you mostly hear there. Bill, I am certain that you'll love that combo as well .
When I mentioned the pervasive Hifi sound heard in many rooms at CES the Zesto room is excluded from that list. Their electronics driving the TAD speakers were natural with believable music reproduction.