Collecting Within One Brand

As a reader of Audiogon for years I've taken note of many people collecting across brands. While I'm always tempted to buy a different preamp or Cd player (and have indeed done so), adding to my speaker collection is done strictly within a single brand. I wonder how common this is.

How many people try and collect the best from one manufacturer? For me - its like collecting all of Van Morrison's releases or making certain I have every Eva Cassidy single and album which has been placed for sale. I'm more curious about how the artist or manufacturer who has captured my ear has progressed throughout the years than I am at comparing them to a band or brand I don't have the same strength of feeling for.

So far - this compulsion has just been limited to speakers - and of course to music. Anyone else addicted to a single line of speakers? Mine is KEF - especially the reference series units of the 1980's. Anybody else out there?

Warm regards,


Showing 1 response by timrhu

For me it was Meadowlark Audio speakers. I never got around to the top end products from the company as we moved an my room got smaller instead of larger. At one point I had three pairs of the entry level Kestrels.