Coming out of the blackhole called work...retirement

Hello All

I have just retired and emerged from the mud of work that encompasses everything and acts light a blackhole for hobbies and enjoyment. Now that I am seeing some light I want to upgrade my 70's something stereo to something I can really enjoy. I read in a post from long ago about a preamplifier called a George Lightspeed. It was Australian, quality sound according to the posts and cheap. Is this something I want to consider or must I look at products in the thousands or 10's of? 

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Showing 1 response by crazyeddy


You have a very good advantage, as you are building your home from scratch, if I understand correctly. Your room/treatments is the most important part of the system that you will be putting together (IMHO). It seems that you have some good $$ to spend, so deal with the room first. It’s the single most important issue that most of us have to had to "tame" with the conditions that we have with our existing rooms. You have the opportunity to get the room dealt with before the gear. After that, well, it’s all about your personal preferences sonically for the gear that you fill the room with. Good luck, and please keep us notified on your progress.