Compare: Modwright LS 36.5 & Audio Research LS26

I'd appreciate opinions from anyone who has experience with these line stages. OK any comparisons including the Modwright and Ref 3 are also welcome.

Amps: Audio Research VM220 Mono Blocs (the Mono version of the VS110)
Wison Audio Sophias. Music: Classic Rock, Singer Songwriter, Classical, Small ensemble chamber, LOTS of vocals.

Recreation of stage & space, tube glow and midrange warmth and vocal realism, and rhythmic integrity top priorities. 80% vinyl, 20% digital.

Thanks for your assistance.

If you are enjoying your Modwright phono stage then you will certainly love the 36.5. Dan voices his gear to work together. I love my 36.5 and will soon be adding the dual mono power supply upgrade :)
As a former owner of LS-26 I can tell you that its not typical tube sound either. Its quiet close to SS IME & IMO and paired with the wrong amp can be quiet lean and unforgiving.
I've compared the 36.5 with the separate PSU to a BAT 51se and a few months later to the 52se. The Modwright was, in my system and to my ears, better in several ways - cleaner, stronger transients, deeper SS with more air and separation. Everything was just a bit more palpable, more there. SS width was similar. All are very quiet. I could live with the 52se, it's great but I like the dynamic transients of the Modwright more. Notes jump, drums sticks THWack (while deep in the SS a brush still sounds like a brush.) Vocals were similar but the Modwright produced the fine details while the 51se was more polite. The 52se really did vocals right but the Modwright had them a touch more forward, which I like, mostly.

I haven't heard an ARC pre in my system yet. I have heard the Ref3 many times at shows and I like it but... If I were to place the sound of these three or four preamps on a scale from tubey to SSey I would say the Modwright sits right there between the 52se and the Ref3 - the Ref3 is not very tubey to my ears, the 52se a bit more. However, with certain fancy NOS rectifiers the 36.5 moves more towards tubey (RCA 5U4G, for example) . I don't think it will ever be considered warm though. Full? Sure. Meaty, sure again. But never syrupy.
The 36.5+ strikes the best balance that I have heard in my system yet between SS like guts - bass and dynamics, the air and shimmer of tubes and the BIG, DEEP soundstage tubes produce when done right.
I just reread your system and I will add that which ever pre you choose, Ref3 or 36.5, you are going to have one fantastic system there. I might venture to say too that your choice might rest more on your TT and cart choice than anything else.

What's your vinyl set up?
Thanks for your thorough and thoughtful analysis.
My analog front end is a TW Acustic Raven One Table, a Graham Phanton arm and a Dynavector XX2MkII cartridge. The phono pre is a Modwright SWP 9 with
NOS Mullard 5AR4 in the power supply and old Russian military 6np1's in the gain stage.
The tube changes have made the pre a bit "tubier" while preserving the resolution and staging of the stock preamplifier. Cabling is Synergistic research Tesla Accelerator.
The line stage upgrade is the final major piece...other than power cords etc.
Your input is valuable.....much appreciated.