Compare: Modwright LS 36.5 & Audio Research LS26

I'd appreciate opinions from anyone who has experience with these line stages. OK any comparisons including the Modwright and Ref 3 are also welcome.

Amps: Audio Research VM220 Mono Blocs (the Mono version of the VS110)
Wison Audio Sophias. Music: Classic Rock, Singer Songwriter, Classical, Small ensemble chamber, LOTS of vocals.

Recreation of stage & space, tube glow and midrange warmth and vocal realism, and rhythmic integrity top priorities. 80% vinyl, 20% digital.

Thanks for your assistance.

Dan makes a separate, standalone tubed phono stage, the SWP 9.0SE, which you could use in conjunction with the 36.5 for your vinyl. I have no direct experience with that piece. I'd concur with Rydenfan regarding the 36.5 - superb resolution, linear, fast, and uncolored. The only other pre I've had that provided as black a background was a passive pre (I much prefer the Modwright for putting meat on the bones). If you are looking for a tubey sound, look elsewhere. I'd describe Dan's pre very clean and pure. Sorry, no experience with the ARC Ref 3 to compare.
Whoops, obviously I missed your response as it had not been posted as I wrote mine. Also, I missed that you were considering an LS26 and not a Ref 3 - still, no experience there either. The only ARC piece I've owned is a GNS modified LS2B, which only shared what I'd the same uncolored and neutral character with the 36.5, but that's where the resemblance ends. The ARC I owned could not hold a candle to the resolution and remarkable spatial soundstage the 36.5 renders (I forgot to mention that - it is definitely one of the 36.5 strong qualities).
If you are enjoying your Modwright phono stage then you will certainly love the 36.5. Dan voices his gear to work together. I love my 36.5 and will soon be adding the dual mono power supply upgrade :)
As a former owner of LS-26 I can tell you that its not typical tube sound either. Its quiet close to SS IME & IMO and paired with the wrong amp can be quiet lean and unforgiving.
I've compared the 36.5 with the separate PSU to a BAT 51se and a few months later to the 52se. The Modwright was, in my system and to my ears, better in several ways - cleaner, stronger transients, deeper SS with more air and separation. Everything was just a bit more palpable, more there. SS width was similar. All are very quiet. I could live with the 52se, it's great but I like the dynamic transients of the Modwright more. Notes jump, drums sticks THWack (while deep in the SS a brush still sounds like a brush.) Vocals were similar but the Modwright produced the fine details while the 51se was more polite. The 52se really did vocals right but the Modwright had them a touch more forward, which I like, mostly.

I haven't heard an ARC pre in my system yet. I have heard the Ref3 many times at shows and I like it but... If I were to place the sound of these three or four preamps on a scale from tubey to SSey I would say the Modwright sits right there between the 52se and the Ref3 - the Ref3 is not very tubey to my ears, the 52se a bit more. However, with certain fancy NOS rectifiers the 36.5 moves more towards tubey (RCA 5U4G, for example) . I don't think it will ever be considered warm though. Full? Sure. Meaty, sure again. But never syrupy.
The 36.5+ strikes the best balance that I have heard in my system yet between SS like guts - bass and dynamics, the air and shimmer of tubes and the BIG, DEEP soundstage tubes produce when done right.