Comparing streamer/DACs between $5-10k

I’m looking for a DAC/Streamer single unit, willing to spend up to $7-8k & not opposed to something like a recent model/demo/open box unit.  The only streamer/DAC experience I’ve had so far with my gear connected is with an Aurender A200 on demo from a dealer. Said dealer says it’s the “benchmark” at this general price point.  IDK,  It sounds great, but what would I likely hear differently with the following units?

-Meitner MA3

-HiFi Rose 150b

-Lumin T3 or P1



Showing 16 responses by rkfaberdds

Ok, for those who advocate for a separate DAC-like Denafrips terminator2 or Weiss 501….

Could this play & pair nicely with a lower price (older?) Aurender streamer? 


I’ll look into the digital rig you are running.  Thank you.  I must admit another bias against Roon-more equipment and subscription/monthly payment required.  That aspect would bother me

That’s great you have the 150B and are happy.  Did you ever compare how it sounded sonically against other (more expensive) streamer DACs?

Thanks for the opinions & input everyone.  I really don’t want to do separates, not for space reasons.  
As for limiting my choices, I’m open to other recommendations-as long as they are DAc+ streamers all in one chassis.

The A200 is great, but the MA3 & 150B both are highly reviewed.  Is either sonically equal or better than A200?  Bricasti??


this is exactly the premise I’m operating from as well.  Aurender gets a lot of praise in no small part bc of their app/interface.  I put a premium on sound.  

@ yowser 

yes Cary has been recommended to me, but that dealer did not have a unit for me to audition.  Then I started reading reviews, & from what I interpreted/synthesized, the other brands I mentioned got more praise.  It’s hard to decide confidently if you haven’t heard these pieces play..

Thanks everyone!  My system is comprised of:

-Rogue dragoN power amp

-ModWright LS100 pre

-Chapman T-7 loudspeakers (upgraded & modded)

Shunyata & AQ power cords & interconnects.

It’s hard to say what I’d like to hear more of/what sonic signature I’d like to enhance because everything sounds excellent.  T-7s have titanium tweeters.  Maybe I’m looking for smoother transients & to minimize sibilants?? I have plenty of bass and a nice 3-D soundstage, imaging is good…could it be better?

I guess im just wondering if an entry level Aurender 200 is the Best Buy at $6300, or should I spend a little more and get something that wows.  Or spend less (HiFi rose or other) and basically achieve the same.

Qobuz is my only cost.  And we all know by now that it’s worth the yearly fee many times over

Up to $10k.  A RS250a (used) is available around $1.5-1.8k and a new Terminator 2 for $4.5k + cables gets it done for less & would be best & most versatile sonic value it seems.  An equation like that is appealing

BTW, been playing with a Lumin D3 home demo for a few days & not loving the app.  HiFi rose I have not played with, but I read it’s really modern & intuitive.  Lumin is pretty lame to Aurendef IMO though the Lumin sound is possibly better

Thank you,  I have read everyones response and looked/read into your suggestions.  Those advocating for separates streamer/DAC have persuaded me.  The reason is I have now actually auditioned a streamer/DAC combo that I liked the sound of better than the A200.  It was the GoldNote- had a Bigger soundstage, more 3-D imaging and resolution.  But, Problem is twofold- it’s fiddly and I keep coming back to the reality that the Aurender app is what I want to use.  

HiFi Rose app reviews sounds full of glitches w irritated users on their forum.

I have had a Lumin D3 in my system for a few days & its app is not for me.  But I can imagine people like the Lumin sound better than the lower end of Aurenders. I might indeed.

 I’m shooting for a legacy/used Aurender paired with the Denafrips T2.  I’d rather send $ to CH, but Weiss 501 is a little steep pricewise.  Denafrips reviews sound beyond glowing.

I’ve looked into most of your suggestions and have the following incoming:

HiFi Rose 250A(preowned) for streaming connected via Cardas high speed clear USB to a Denafrips venus2 12th(new).

Fingers crossed.  I tried to pick units that were highly reviewed professionally and also had largely positive forum discussions.  Denafrips def met this standard.  This combo will set me back around $5k, which is also appealing. 

I’ve been enjoying the Rose 250A for a few days now.  The rose app is really fantastic-maybe better than Aurender, & the sonics are about the same as the A200 that I home auditioned a couple weeks ago.  Now I am eagerly anticipating connecting my Venus 2 via Cardas high speed USB when that part of the kit arrives.  I will report back, but at this stage of my equipment investiture I am very pleased!

First, A big thank you to everyone for chiming in  on this purchase decision.  I now have a great combo of streamer (HiFi Rose 250A) + DAC (Denafrips venus2, 12th anniversary.).  Total cost to me was $4780.  I started with a strong consideration for a Aurender A200($6300+ tax). So glad I went with the combo of separates I did.  Sound quality I’m already enjoying from the Denafrips blows away the Aurender.  Not even close.  Even when I add the fancy cables (Cardas HS USB, AQ Ethernet) I’m well below what I would’ve paid alone for the A200 (without cables).  

*Another massive pleasant surprise is that the HiFi Rose app is brilliant!  Better than Conductor in every way with the exception that it doesn’t fade out of tracks you’re playing..

Current Rig:

HiFi Rose 250A—>

Denafrips Venus 2–>
ModWright LS100(SE Blue 6SN7’s & NOS Mullard 5AR4)—>
Rogue Audio dragoN—>
Chapman T-7 Speakers(these are 30 yrs old & outperform $30k Magicos and Sonus Fabers!!!!!!!!!!!)