component where PC does not make a difference

Has anyone ever had a component whose sound did not change significantly (or at all) with changes in power cords? I have found that different power cords don't really affect the sound of my amp (ARC VS60), but differences among those same power cords are revealed when hooking them to my DAC (ARC DAC7). Is that representative of tube amps in general or perhaps just this component? Would you expect that the differing "sonic traits" of various power cords would be better revealed on a DAC than a (tube) amp?
Although some components ( power amps ) seem to react less than others ( preamps, DACs ) to power cord upgrades, I have found only one component which showed no obvious change. That one was the Cambridge Audio IsoMagic DAC. The fact that it was equipped with an external power brick may have had something to do with it.
Tube amps also react to power cord changes, some more than others. I recall hearing profound differences when swapping AC cords on a VTL ST-85 amp. But it does seem that DACs and even digital amps are pretty sensitive to changes in power cords.
Has anyone ever had a component whose sound did not change significantly (or at all) with changes in power cords?
yes, the power cord going to my AC regenerator does not make any diff in the system's overall sonics.
10-06-11: Bombaywalla

yes, the power cord going to my AC regenerator does not make any diff in the system's overall sonics.

This makes sense to me since the incoming power (via the hi-end PC) is completely regenerated so any sonic benefits from the incoming power cord are lost when the power is cleaned, massaged and re-amplified.