Componets first, cables second?

I often hear about the improvements cables have made to systems, whether IC or speaker cables. Then IK hear the advice, buy the best components you can afford and upgrade cables along the way.

What I am wondering is is it, buy the best compnents you can afford and worry about cables later on down the road, or is it, a balance between the two to achieve the sound one is after?

For xample, to be more concrete, should I buy a better CDP and sacrifice on the cabling or should I buy a more moderate CDP and get a high quality cable?

Any expereince/advice is welcome
As always so many opinions and no concrete conclusion, Mr Tennis makes a very valid point about experience being the best teacher. You have a wonderful system that easily must have cost you over 10K and hours of research. Why not invest 2 or 3k and buy 4 used pairs of cables for a private shootout from Agon. Ive never purchased a used cable I couldnt resell, most sellers will include shipping since there is virtually very little cost. Even at a 5% loss off a used purchase your looking at a 150. to 200 loss, way better than driving around looking for a right cable or advice. You will have a irefutable personal conclusion, pricless if your a serious audiophile. Good luck!
Wow, I leave for a day and this thread has truly disintegrated into a pissing contest.

Thanks to anyone trying to indeed steer it towards a useful conversation. Of course Mrtennis is right, there is no substitute for personal expereince. Yet, I have and will continue to gain insight from those with vastly more expereince on these threads. So, I won't stop asking the questions.

However, if we could leave the adolescent attitude of "I am holier than though" out of the fray, we could really get to the heart of the matter which is how do we continue to refine our systems for maximum enjoyment no matter what our listening preferences are.

It is generally encouraged to ask others of their experiences and suggestions - that's what discussion posts are for.

Keep on asking all the questions you want.

I respect your right to diagree and to add your own worthy opinions to this thread. I see no point in making this a pissing contest. If you re-read my comments I think it is possible we do agree, I just don't rate the cable differences as being significant; for example, a slight roll-off in highs can easily be achieved with a touch of the tone control too (yes, *sigh* K-mart systems come with tone controls, ack the horror of it!).

I have really nothing further to add to the discusssion because our differences may have as much to do with my poor hearing and my bad equipment compared to your's, as you have pointed out. I must remind myself to do a better job in future to stay away from this kind of thread and keep my thoughts/observations more private. If you feel much better for having denigrated my K-Mart system then I am glad for you. I am not at all offended.
Paul, I don't see a "system" posted for you.Are you keeping a secret from us?I always find it interesting to take a peak at another members'system-it's almost like evesdropping on a conversation.You never know what you mught learn 8+} Tom