Concept 2QD Turntable - Are You Experienced?

Just picked up one - any wisdom or lore concerning this TT would be appreciated.


Showing 1 response by grtfl62

So I'm a newbie to the 2QD as of yesterday. I also noticed that the counterweight was very loose and able to slip off without warning.

After examining the situation for awhile, I've determined that the notched rubber "sleeve" that the weight slips onto is held on by a screw that compresses the sleeve which then holds the weight in place.

The only problem with my theory is that I can't get my screw to budge. Either its not meant to, or its seized in place some how. (This screw is the only screw on the thing that I can't get to move.) I'm convinced that my theory is correct, but I'm afraid of breaking the screw which will result in no place to mount the weight.

What are your thoughts?