Conditioner for Cary MB500 Monoblocks

Hi all.

Tomorrow I will be installing Cary's MB500 monoblocks into my system. They will be running into the 4 ohm Aerial 9 speaker, so the amps will be putting out 1000 watts per side.

I have a Shunyata Hydra 6, and I'm not sure I want to run the amps through it. I'm concerned about current limiting, suppressing the soundstage...all the usual concerns about power conditioning. I will run the rest of the gear through the Hydra (cd, pre, etc), BUT....

I'm curious about people's experience with big monos and high end conditioners. The ones that have caught my attention are the Furman (ref 20 -- will the 15 be enough?) and the Exact Power (not sure which one). I'm open to hearing about other brands that have worked for you. APS anyone?

It's kind of expensive to experiment, so I'd be grateful for any actual experience you may have with high current high power amps and your conditioner.

Thanks in advance,

Rich (in Portland OR)

Showing 1 response by clio09

I have used both the Exact Power EP-15A and Running Springs Haley power conditioners. Both are very good and did not limit dynamics with my amps. That being said I now use Alan Maher Designs Power Enhnacers. You can get some information here about them, but more is available at the Asylum and a his website.