Hi Rich, I am late to this party, but thought I would add that I too run Aerial 9's with Cary 500MB's. I am currently running mine single ended with a Lector CDP7 TL MkIII and Lamm LL2. I just picked up a loaded BPT CPC that has a 30-amp high current filter, 300VA LoNo balanced isolation transformer for balanced power on two of the five duplex outlets, Oyaide outlets, Bybees, filtering on all outlets, magnetic breaker, and ERS cloth inside. I can run my digital through one of the balanced power outlets, effectively isolating it from the rest of the system, then run the amps and preamp from the other outlets. Therefore, my whole system is now run from a 20A dedicated circuit, even though I have two such circuits available for my use. I know some like to run things off higher amperage circuits, but it seems since the amps each have 7A fuses, preamp has a 1A fuse, and CDP has a 2A fuse, even an all-out assult would only draw 17 amps and 20 amps should be fine or even 15 amps in most cases.