Confession of a poor power cord pairing for a Pass Labs XA-25

I recently purchased a Pass XA-25 to replace my Nuforce STA-200. I had replaced the power cord on my Nuforce with an entry level Silnote power cord which made a tremendous difference in sound for the Nuforce. However, when I received my XA-25, I apparently was in an extreme hurry and did not install the cord that Pass Labs included.
This evening as I was sorting through a big box of interconnects and power cords, I discovered a power cord that still had its factory twisty tie intact. After a few minutes of deliberation, I realized that this was the power cord that was included with the XA-25. I hooked it up and wow!.. Detail and Bass that I didn't know this amp was capable of.
Moral of the story.... Just because it's factory power cord.. doesn't mean it can't be good.

Hi coachpoconnor, I currently running a pair of 86db sensitivity speakers with a nuforce sta 200, and also very interested to get a xa 25. First great to know it's a definitive improvement! But I was wondering what speaker are you driving and if you think the pass will be enough for my speakers, they are scansonic mb1. Thanks!
@alfau7 No reason not to just ask Pass directly. They'll know better than anyone else and are a pleasure to deal with.
I, too, got a XA-25 from Reno.  $3500 demo, but  you could not tell it wasn't new.  It replaced an Odyssey Khartago.  I love it.  Great place to work with.

I also have it paired with a Pass XP-10 I got used.  My speakers are Salk Exotica monitors.  The word that comes to mind when I listen is "sublime."  
I originally paired the XA-25 with Zu Dirty Weekends. I recently purchased a pair of KEF LS-50 Meta’s. I’ve enjoyed both and have zero issues with powering the 85db Meta’s. I believe Herb Reichert has a Stereophile review, pairing the Magnepan .7 with the XA-25. He had nothing but compliments.

If you paired with the kefs it's enough answer, tank you. If you mind, what sonic difference you found between the nuforce sta 200 vs the xa 25? There was something that the nuforce sounded or did better to you than the pass? Very appreciate your experience