Confused...not satisfy with my system :

Hi all,

I have Sonus Faber EXTREMA ,
AMP:Meridian 557 .
PRE:Meridian 502.

I sold my CD ARCAM A9 - I loved this CD with my previous system ( Was ARCAM ALPHA8R with SF Concerto) ,The sound was warm and detailed.

Right now the sound is realistic and deep but not exciting... The mid is great The bass is OK but not kicking.
I think the speakers should stay but not sure for the AMP and the PRE .

I thought to change to Tube or hybrid , I tried the Unison Research - Unico Secondo.
The sound was kinda better but the MID is away too high and a bit annoying so it's not that better alternative.
Some suggesting to add another 557 cause the EXTREMA are really hard ...but I don't feel the AMP is not pushing them well.Maybe not pushing them right ( matter of taste of course).

I have a chance to buy Tube AMP Conrad-Johnson MV60 instead of the 557 (the 502 will stay).

or I should i look for other PRE?

Really confusing situation cause I can't really point on the weak chain .

please advice
If you don't have a CD player now, what source are you comparing against your old system with Arcam CD player?

FWIW, Meridian is famous for its DAC and CD player, not for the amps. I used to own G68XXV and it was fabulous.

It takes a lot of time and effort to get the system to the level one can enjoy. All the components in the chain will affect the sound. You should really change one component at a time, otherwise you won't know what positive effects came from which component.

Is there a reason you didn't get a CD player? To me it looks rather obvious that what you are missing is a good CD player, not a replacement amp.
I have a client who has the Sonus Faber EXTREMA and I set him up with a DeHavilland UltraVerve Preamp and NuFORCE Ref 9v2 monobloc and he is in heaven.
I didn't want to mention this and confuse things further but I am one of those "Pre people", that is in my opinion nothing influences a stereo's sound like a preamp. I can still remember my first tubed preamp years ago, an Air Tight ATC-1, it was a revelation, the sound just opened up, becoming warmer and more detailed at the same time. I've since moved on but I will always used a tubed preamp. Perhaps you can borrow one from a friend/dealer to try in your system? You may be amazed and find the rest of your gear is suddenly satisfying.

I always start to think in this way - Can you please recommened for Tube preamp (with the 557?or u think i might consider something else?)
I like really warm sound and yet detailed and deep.