Confused... Projector or Plasma???????

I am in the middle of assembling components for a dedicated home theater room. It will have 2 rows of seating. 2nd row I gather would be about 16' from the screen. Don't know whether I should be looking at a projector set up or plasma set up. I would like the screen size to be between 5' ( i have been looking at the new pioneer elite 60") and 7' in width. (5' is probably a little too small at 16' away)I would assume the projector would be the way to go for anything above 60" at the moment(cost concerns). Which set up has the best picture quality? (if you were to compare 60" screens)What's the biggest bang for the buck?
At 16', projector for sure. I am a plasma fan but not at that distance. For reference, 42" plasma is just about right for an 8' distance in my room. At 10' its a little small. My $0.02. If light is not an issue, I would go projector for sure. And you are probably going to want professional calibration anyways.
Only consider a projector if you can control lighting. If not, you will be disappointed and will be happier with Plasma. Also, you need to be thinking bigger than the sizes you are considering.
Projector is the only way to fly. You will not be sorry. The larger screen area will blow you away. I don't care what anyone says, for movies bigger is always better...that's why folk buy tickets to go see them at at a theater.
In a dedicated room like the one you describe a projector makes much more sense. I agree with some of the previous posts that believe you are thinking too small for screen size.

We use a 92" diagonal screen here at Ultrafi and our viewing distance is 16 feet. If anything, with HD material, our screen is a little on the small side of the ideal range.

Think bigger!
If you have a dedicated room (which can be outfitted as a very small theater) you should have a projector. Only the "little people" have TV displays pressed into service calling them "home theaters". It's really kind of sad.
FWIW I watch from 13 feet, have a 106" screen, which is fine for 16x9 but not so good for wide screen. I suggest AVS Forum for information on projectors.