I'm nowadays on the outside looking in but have had some CJ preamps from back a few years ago but their quality control killed CJ for me. Maybe just bad luck but Act2 out of box was dead on arrival and worse was a huge bolt of juice coupled with a very big pop when I first turned on a new Premier 350. Scared me to death about the speaker that took it but alas no damage. Back it went to service after the excitement of first listen was toast but never trusted it again. Have had tremendous good fortune with many other high end brands.
Finally I know all the CJ verbiage concerning no balanced circuits due to complexity and cost. IMO this has cost them big time. This factor that doesn't seem to hurt ARC among others.
Finally I think CJ has made some great products to include the ART pre and Premier 16 just to name a few. However I'd be very concerned to buy in now from a company longevity standpoint. It's a real issue.
Finally I know all the CJ verbiage concerning no balanced circuits due to complexity and cost. IMO this has cost them big time. This factor that doesn't seem to hurt ARC among others.
Finally I think CJ has made some great products to include the ART pre and Premier 16 just to name a few. However I'd be very concerned to buy in now from a company longevity standpoint. It's a real issue.