Conrad Johnson--does anyone use this brand anymore?

Does anyone have any opinions re Conrad Johnson Phono Pre amps?   
Versus other brands?

I currently have TEASE2---but need step up transformer for cartridge.


I've owned most c-j pre and power amps since the Premier days, both solid state and tube.  Currently running a GAT pre, LP140 monos, a Premier 350 and the TEA1bc phono.  I know the company well... Bill and Lew are two very smart guys, both PHDs.  The company has a well conceived perpetuation plan and is now run day to day by Jeff Fischel, the next generation of management. Jeff has been the technical guy behind the scenes for many years.  Fischel has taken over ownership with Bill and Lew still very active.  Their business is good with many products going to Europe and Asia where tube equipment is highly respected.  They have just announced a new generation entry level preamp with GAT style technology.  Great products and no worries.
Who doesn't like Conrad Johnson?
Absolutely no one I can think of. 
Some of the most musical gear ever. 

Thanks! for sharing- coppy777

what other gear, including cabling, is in your system?
Happy Listening!
I've been smitten with CJ ever since hearing a buddy's PV5 preamp.  Was it "colored"?  Did it have a touch of honey about it? Yep.  But every time we listened to music through it I found myself relaxed and smiling.  Not bad!

I've been using a Bob Backert heavily modified PV12L for years now and it is awesome.  Even before the mods. that CJ smooooooothness was there.  I always attribute much of their gears' sonic success at the attention to the power supplies in their designs.

Almost bought a CJ SS amp years ago, but ironically enough went the McCormack route.  As fate would have it, McCormack is now a CJ line!
Hey jafant,

Speakers are Wilson Yvette (a nice upgrade from Sasha 1), most cables are Wireworld silver over copper, a JA Audio f113 sub, Marantz SA7 S1 CD/SACD, Ayre QB9 DAC, Shunyata power conditioning, Magnum Dynalab Tuner, MacBook Pro running Tidal, Qobuz, Audrivana and Roon.  Happy Camper here.