Conrad Johnson MF2250A vs CJ MF2275SE

Has anyone directly compared these two or owned both?  I own and really like the MF2250A but am curious if the newer model has any improvements that one can hear.  

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Second, the SE upgrade (Teflon caps) is an improvement over "stock". Better imagining, tonality and transparency in presentation and sound.


Happy Listening!

Does anyone have anything to add regarding the MF2250,MF2500 compared to the newer replacemnt models MF2275 and MF2550?

I owned the CA150SE and still own the 2250A so not exactly the comparison you're looking for but very close

The teflon caps in the SE are a nice improvement over the "standard" versions of the CJ amps.  More transparency and better tonality is what I remember.  If you're looking to upgrade I think you'll hear and appreciate the difference.