conrad johnson preamps

Why are there so many Conrad Johnson preamps for sale on the gon?
+1tubegroover and oddify.  I still use a premier 14 with NOS Mullard tubes.  It is supremely musical however is plenty revealing to the recording.

Likely a combination of things. I used a pv10 A for a decade or more. Great little pre amp.
Recently upgraded to a Classic II.
Poster below hit it on the head. The classic's high gain output has necessitated ordering an attenuator. Recommended by CJ tech support.
I am using a Krell KST 100.
Attenuator will go just before amp. Trying the minimum 10 decibel model. Roughly fifty bucks at Needle Doctor.

A pretty decent sale going on with Spearit Sound as those guys approach closing their doors. Happy Listening!
My last amp's input sensitivity was to low.... the Quicksilvers are just a better match ... 9 o'clock on the volume control used to blow me out of my chair like that old Memorex commercial....  the Mid Monos are lower power and take more input to reach full power so all is well