@stereo5 What you are up against is that its really hard and really expensive to make power with SETs. By really hard, one of the aspects of that is bandwidth goes down the more power you need (due to output transformer limitations). That is why the smallest SETs have the reputation for sounding 'the best'. By the time you get over about 7-8 Watts (300b territory) you have trouble getting the amp to have what might be considered 'hifi' frequency response.
When people compare SETs to PP amps, its usually an apples and oranges thing! That is because the SET has no-where near the power of the PP amp, and the PP amp doesn't have Directly Heated Triodes, like nearly all SETs do, and likely runs feedback and pentodes as well.
To put that PP amp on a level playing field with an SET, they should have the same or similar output power at clipping. People don't do that- because there are almost no PP amps that only make 5 to 7 Watts! And no-one even considers putting a 30 Watt SET against a 30 Watt PP amp. It would get creamed. That's mostly because at that power level, the bandwidth limitation imposed by the output transformer is readily audible. And measurable as well... and the PP amp would have a much greater amount of usable power...
RE usable power: SETs rarely use feedback so their usable power is up to about 20% of their rated power. Above that power level, they take on a 'dynamic' quality as higher ordered harmonics show up on musical transients (where the power is needed). The ear uses the higher ordered harmonics to sense how loud a sound is, so when they are only on the transients, you get a 'dynamic' quality.
Dynamics should come from the signal, not the amp.
If you are not willing to replace your speakers, which are not efficient enough to really work right with most SETs, then look at a PP amplifier. There are triode PP amps that run class A with zero feedback, FWIW. IMO/IME they sound better than SETs too: more transparent (due to lower distortion), more authority (due to better bass power response) and overall more true to the signal- the music.
SET guys won't like this of course, but I challenge any one of them to a simple set of questions: When did you compare to a PP amp of the same power? Barring that, did you compare to a PP amp using the same power tubes and construction technique (and parts)? I've done both. I can go into in depth...