Considering buying a CD transport

My current disc spinner is a Cambridge Audio 751BD which I'm now mostly (except for SACDs) using as a transport, as I vastly prefer the sound of my Bryston BDA1 DAC to what comes through the CA. Even through the Bryston DAC, CDs can sound shrill. The CA works extremely well for DVDs, Blu-ray discs and SACDs, but I don't think I'm enjoying my rather extensive CD collection as I should. Would a separate transport make enough difference to be worth considering? I've been reading reviews of the Cyrus CDt which are tempting, but I'd like to hear some real-world opinions first. Unfortunately, there are budgetary constraints, so I would like not to exceed about $2K.

The rest of the system: Hegel H200 integrated, Proac Response D2s, REL S2 sub, Clarus Aqua analog interconnects & speaker cables, Nordost coax.
How many CDs do you have, and have you considered a network-based approach instead? Yes, I am suggesting going a number of moves ahead, but you might end up there eventually anyway. 
Many of the best sounding digital setups revolve around:
- the music on a shared network drive aka NAS (Network Attached Storage)
- a router to distribute through your home via ethernet cable, wireless wifi, or through power line adapters plugged into a/c outlet
-  a network-based player which can be a specially purposed device, mac or pc, a dac
- wireless device to use as remote(i.e. tablet and/or phone).

The advantages are numerous and arguably provide additional flexibility in the future. Within your budget you could leap significantly in sound quality and gain elegance & simplicity in user interface. I'll shut up now. Cheers,
Thanks for the suggestions so far. I was hoping to avoid going the music-server route at least for now even though I know it's the wave of the future (if not the present) and may very well give me the quality I'm seeking. Since I'm a former managing partner in a local CD store, I'm still pretty attached to the physical objects, and I think my collection approaches 1200 discs. Also I'm at that point in my life when I'm getting resistant to having to learn whole new technologies. I'm aware of the PS Audio PWT and how good it is (from the reviews, at least) but even in the used market, it's over budget.
If that's the case, I'd suggest that it wouldn't be worth it to upgrade the transport alone. I'd rather see the money go into a dac if yours wasn't up to snuff, but I don't have any experience with the Bryston and know it's got plenty of fans around here. 
An in-home borrow or demo would be the way to go for sure. Cheers,
Hello Copper52, 
The PS Audio PWT is a top tier transport, the sound quality is wonderful. You can find them used for under 2K. You have a large CD collection and the PWT would represent excellent value. DACs get the vast majority of the attention yet many people who are digital knowledgeable say the transport is as important if not more so. I purchased a PWT used nearly 7 years ago and it has been superb in my system. 
drubin - I have a Pro-ject CD Box RS CD transport and it is very good.  It is likely better with the  Pro-ject Box RS Uni power supply - I have been unwilling to spring for it.

Though there may well be one, I have not encountered a player serving as a transport that was as good as a dedicated CD transport.  There are noticeable differences among transports as well.