Mordante, you'll probably do better with a less sensitive gain setting (i.e., a higher number of mV, such as 1.4 mV). As indicated earlier in the thread, since the mV settings on this phono stage are the input levels corresponding to an unusually high 2 volt output, if you use the 0.6 mV setting with a 0.6 mV cartridge it is likely (depending on the gains and sensitivities of the rest of your components) that you would find yourself having to set the volume control too far down in its range to be optimal. Degradation of distortion performance and/or overloading might even occur in line stage circuitry that is "ahead" of the volume control.
It might be worthwhile to also try the 0.9 and 2.5 mV settings, as well as 1.4 mV, and see which setting gives you the best sonics, the lowest background hiss, and the most preferable range of volume control positions.
-- Al