A possible CAVEAT regarding fans: Some years ago a letter to 'Audio Amateur' magazine warned that a C-J MV-45 owned by the writer had the strange habit of sounding very noticeably worse with the tube cover [solidly] in place, compared to simply removing the cage. It turned out that problem was not a mechanical or electromagnetic problem with the cage itself -- it was the quiet fan unit he'd installed causing an overall degradation in the sound (not just some identifiable noise).
Some years later I read something about these fans not always being what they seem due to the use of hidden current pulsing circuits aboard -- the implication being that your DC fan, for example, may not be so "DC" as it appears to be, or as represented in its promotional material. I don't know any more about this, but I'd be very interested to hear the real technical scoop on these devices. How closely did you guys compare? Just asking. If there was an assumption up front that the electrical operation of the fan is benign, could this belief itself have enough of a masking effect -- maybe just in the moment -- so that some small negative could have gotten overlooked. I'm not suggesting the thing wrecked your sound, of course... we all simply accommodate.