Copper for Solid State / Silver for Tubes ?

Was recently told a reputable cable sales person that
its best to use copper wire interconnects with a solid state
pre amp, and silver wire interconnects with a tube pre amp.

Further, that as important as interconnects are, the quality of speaker cables used will make even more of a differece in the sound than the interconnect. Is there any truth to this, or am i the only person in the hi end audio world knows this little secret ?
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Showing 2 responses by sherod

Very well said Richgib.I couldn't agree more.I'm glad you detailed it out.If the dealers would only say this same thing( some do ) then they would not only make more sales of cables but would reduce buyer's remorse and uncertainty as well.
Twl,check the website: have a gold interconnect called PGS that is developing quite a following.I have tried a few good silver interconnects on my solid state system with poor results.They're extremely transparent with incredibly detailed highs but the end result is listener's fatigue.The harmonics and tonality to me just don't compete with a good copper cord.But then again a good silver cord may be the ticket for you.I have a Stealth CWS pure silver single RCA I'll sell you cheap.