Core Power Technologies

Does anyone know, is Core Power Technologies still around? I was considering purchasing (2) Ec1200’s but don’t want to be in a holding pattern for the next year. Are they or (Mark) still in existence? What’s the lowdown or suggestion of comparable item.
Folks: Mark of CPT posted a response on the other CPT thread in the Cables forum the other day. Just an FYI in case you’re only following this thread. 
I am a little disappointed with the way things have turned out.
Mark, to his credit, did ship what I ordered, but I wanted the Deep Cores, and returned the Equi Core 300's for credit.
I probably should have kept them.
Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.
Hopefully, the new owners will honor past agreements.
@gdnrbob, perhaps Mark has some Equi Core 300's left that he could have his grandson ship you or he owes you an aditional refund. Remind those involved of this.