Cost effective Schumann Resonator

After reading about the Acoustic Revive unit, I was looking on Ebay and found a Schumann Resonator for $175 (plus $20 for a very nice plexiglass case). It's model designation is Chartres Mk.2. It is made by a fellow named David in Indonesia. He was a pleasure to deal with, start to finish. The unit arrived in about 10 days. The fit and finish was reassuring. It is a circuit board with good quality components mounted between two sheets of well cut and finished plexiglass.
I have read, and failed to understand a lot that has been written about Schumann resonators, but I am willing to. Suspend disbelief and try a tweak that a lot of folks say works. My initial reaction on hooking up the resonator was disbelief. Sound stage and localization were noticeably better. I had to disconnect and reconnect the unit several times to convince myself that I wasn't fooling myself. Mechanism of action be hanged, it made a very positive difference in my system. This finding was confirmed my moving it to a second system where, again, spatial information seemed much improved.
I am very happy with this purchase. Results rule!
I'm a sucker for effective and (relatively) affordable tweeks. How does this connect to the system? I see an interconnect plugged into it in the one pictures.
It doesn't connect to the system directly. It works by generating a wave that damps EMF as best as I can distill from the explanations that vary from arcane to absurd. I really don't understand it well, but my ears are happy with the result after a long afternoon of connecting and disconnecting it with a good spread of sources and recordings.
Hi all, please don't take this the wrong way. I don't want to rain on anybody's parade or anything and I certainly don't doubt what anybody hears with it, but just be aware that it's my understanding that the Schumann Resonator is actually designed to, in effect, pump out a sizable enough 'sheild', or 'dome', of a form of EMI/RFI into the listening area. It's sort of like fighting 'fire' (the comparatively weaker, but random, sources of EMI/RFI from the in-wall wiring, the components and any other electrical source of EMI/RFI in the immediate area, as well as that which is passing through the air) with 'fire' (a much stronger and steady-state dose of EMI/RFI in a localized area). This will act to swamp the more weakly interacting and individualized effects and, to a degree, the area will then act as one larger, single orientation of it. This may actually be all well and good as far as your equipment goes, but for people it may not exactly be the most healthy thing to do. EMI/RFI pollution in daily life is not especially a good thing and there are known health hazards associated with it. You may have heard that it is not really recommended, for example, to live too close to high-tension towers because of that. The thing to keep in mind with it here is that the majority of people appear to live their whole lives without any real indication of being affected by it. But, often allergy sufferers and, particularly, people with auto-immune diseases can feel its effects, but in general some people are perhaps less sensitive to it than others. And it may be that you are not susceptible to it at all. All I'm saying is to just pay some long-term attention to your time spent with the Resonator. If you begin to notice any unexplained headaches, fatigue or allergy-like symptoms that, over time, you can correlate to your listening sessions with the Resonator on, then you may be one of the folks that can be affected by the device. Some people who use one say that they do not like to leave the unit on all the time, only when they listen, and say that otherwise leaving it on 24/7 tends to make them feel slightly ill after too much time spent in the same room with it. Should it prove to be a problem for you, I know there are other equally effective and inexpensive methods to fight EMI/RFI in your system that can be explored. I've even seen some that are so effective at ridding the immediate area of EMI/RFI that they can actually offer health benefits for people sensitive to its effects - just the opposite from using the Resonator. Hope this helps. Regards, John