Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
« But the key thing with the mandate that is troubling to people is that people have had the disease already they have stronger more durable immunity than those who are vaccinated but they’re still forced to be vaccinated and that doesn’t make any sense from a scientific point of view nor from a public health point of view.»

Dr. Martin Kulldorff

I probably had covid in november last year: a sudden fever and extreme fatigue i never experienced for 48 hours....

Why this covid recede in my case?

I was taking for years Nigella sativa pills proven to be efficient against covid,
Curcuma pills for years proven to be efficient for covid,
astaxanthin 8 milligram by day one of the most powerful natural antyoxident and natural antiinflammatory
Vitamihn C 2 milligrams and 5 milligram of vitamin D each day,

I takes all that before covid and its happen to be a very good choice....

I now have zinc intake and quercetin each day with copper and other minerals...

I have ivermectin, alas! only in small quantities , thanks to the criminal censorship, i keep it for the early treatment, i dont have enough for preventive use for my family...

My wife is vaccinated and one of my son... the other son is unvaccinated like me....
The privilege in question is your privilege to not get vaxxed and potentially spread the disease to your friends and neighbors.
The privilege in question is your privilege to not get vaxxed and potentially spread the disease to your friends and neighbors.
For a working brain this little puzzle:

who transmit the more:

the vaccinated which can bear the same amount of viruses than unvaccinated people but without symptoms, then without never knowing it, then never isolate himself, and pass it to others

or the unvaccinated who take early preventive treatment that slow the viruses growing and who can with apparent emerging symptoms isolate himself?

If your brain work you dont need the written answer....

This remind me of problem in primary school...

It is astonishing that grown adult are unable to solve that simple question...

No surprize that most people buy costly upgrade in audio without seeking any knowledge of acoustic...Similar simple riddle like the other one which is unknowingly censored also by the general marketing audio corporate interests and reviewers focus on gear here...

No special conspiracy ONLY ignorance and greed....

 Winter will come, and if you are old over 70 years old  especiially with co morbidities take the vaccine please for your health... I think the odds are in your side to take it...

But with natural immunity already, if you are young or very healthy without co morbidities take preventive treatment...
   This is the advice of many doctors in a free country and i concur with them...

I fought the law, and the law won. 

Please, this is NO Tik Tok picnic 

The Tom is keeping a watchful EYE on the SMART audio fanatics 

Delete all DATA now…..delete 

Soon they’ll be after ones bank account

Another revolution perhaps???
Soon they’ll be after ones bank account 
They already are. Please do try and keep up. The so-called digital money will enable government control over your every dollar down to the penny. With digital money they can control where you are able to spend it, which means IF you are able to spend it, and they can inflate it away if you don't spend it. With digital money it won't matter if you have a million dollars, if they don't like you they can simply turn your money off and it will be as if you have no money at all because no one will be able to take it.   

My bet is most people reading this think this is some science-fiction conspiracy theory. It is not.