Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs

Ok people im curious  
what is the price range of you entire analogue set up vs your spkr s with cables .. I often wonder what a guys table set up is when he is running a set of wilsons , or the 25k tt guy ..
my tt setup is about 75-80%  of my spkrs with cable , but i have a sub I occasionally use lol add another $$ so with that probly 60 -70% 
My entire analog setup, including table/arm, cartridge and phono stage is about 100% compared to my speakers with speaker cables.
Count me as one who doesn’t subscribe to the Linn philosophy. I still believe the speakers should be the most important and therefore expensive component. Also you don’t mention if the price is MSRP or what was actually paid. In this case I will assign percentages based on MSRP...
TT/Cartridge/Phono Stage (main turntable) - 38%
Speakers - 62%
My table, cartridge, phonostage, and IC cable cost 40% of what my speakers and speaker cables cost. I used retail prices when they were new to make the calculation.
I strongly believe in speaker first then system synergy to achieve the sound you like. 
Count me as one who doesn’t subscribe to the Linn philosophy. I still believe the speakers should be the most important and therefore expensive component.
+1. The self-serving Linn philosophy, that the turntable is the most important part of an analog playback system because it is first in the chain, and therefore the downstream components cannot correct for its shortcomings, is flawed in two ways:

1)While it is true that the downstream components cannot correct for the shortcomings of the turntable, it is also true that the turntable cannot correct for the shortcomings of the downstream components. So while both statements are true, neither has any significance.

2)The Linn philosophy totally ignores the **degree** to which different parts of the chain may adversely affect the sound.

In my case, MSRP of the turntable/tonearm/cartridge/phono stage was about 40% of the MSRP of the speakers. However the turntable and tonearm are vintage, and were purchased when prices were much lower than they are today .

-- Al