Dear @oleschool: In the very old times I remember the many years " defunct/dead " Stereo Review magazyne that over the years they posted a % relationship between: speakers, front end, amp and the like. They did it as a " secure " road to people and especially new audio people. Many of us followed that kind of " expert advise ".
Through the time almost all of us learned about and still are learning each single day.
My " $$$/%% "" priorities are in this order: LPs, room conditioning, true full range speakers, front end, IC and speaker cables, Phonolinepreamp, amps and somewhere in between an audio system dedicated electrical line. Of course the skills and knowledge level to make the overall audio system set up as accurate as we can with the self capacity to be aware that our set up is just rigth as it should be.
Regards and enjoy the music,
Through the time almost all of us learned about and still are learning each single day.
My " $$$/%% "" priorities are in this order: LPs, room conditioning, true full range speakers, front end, IC and speaker cables, Phonolinepreamp, amps and somewhere in between an audio system dedicated electrical line. Of course the skills and knowledge level to make the overall audio system set up as accurate as we can with the self capacity to be aware that our set up is just rigth as it should be.
Regards and enjoy the music,