Current or Previous Harbeth Owners…

For those of us that have had or currently have, are there other speakers you’ve listened to that you found sounded “better”?  I’m eyeing stepping into a set of 40.2 or 40.3’s, but am also willing to step in a different direction.  I realize “better” is subjective, but a speaker that does what Harbeth does, but better.  

I have a set of Pass Labs XA100.5’s, FWIW.


My history of speaker ownership, in no particular order.

Quad 988, Kef Reference 5, Stirling LS3/6, Klipsch Heresy 3, Kef LS50, Magnepan 1.7, Spendor BC1, Harbeth C7 40th anniversary edition.

I have also heard numerous speakers in shows, dealers, etc.

I now own Harbeth 40.3. Out of the speakers mentioned above I have kept only the Stirling LS3/6 because they are made by Derek Hughes, whom I admire, and resemble the 40.3 sound but in a much smaller scale.

The Harbeth 40.3 imo surpass all speakers that I owned previously. They excel in tonality, realism, voices, dynamics and they are tube friendly which is important to me. I have tried them with a MC275, Quicksilver mid monos, Cary CAD-300sei, and they have always sounded their best.

YMMV, but for me, the 40.3 is a truly end game speaker.

@chrys71 Indeed! Harbeth 40.x is a phenomenal speaker. It's for a select group of audiophiles who appreciate good tonality and timbre, realism, and vocal purity. In my case, the most potent combination was a solid state class A amplifier paired with a tube preamp -- best of both worlds. You'd be surprised how much more the 40.x can offer when a powerful amp takes control of those 12 inch woofers. 

@toddcowles nice post

I enjoyed a few models from Harbeth; SHL5+XD, C7ES3 XD, M40.2 and M40.3XD.
Tried them all in a few different rooms and with tons of different electronics. My favorite was the SHL5+XD in a smaller room with high ceilings; some might call it a near field setup. Not sure. In any case I really loved and appreciated the special magic well setup Harbeths bring to the table. Very satisfying speakers on the long term. I recently discovered ATC SCM40 V2 passives and I’m driving those with Moon North 761 amp. I honestly think that ATC has an even better more authentic midrange and overall tonality than any of the Beth’s I owned and listened to for months in my space. The ATC speakers scale better, have more top end refinement and sweetness. The bass is absolutely better - at least so far in my smaller space; the sealed design makes for easy room integration and awesome well defined and clear bass. The midbass energy has swing and flow to it; I could hear the limitations of the Beth’s in this area with faster music. I could sometimes hear the lossy boxes Harbeth deploys coloring the midbass. Bass ripeness or a kind of raw uncontrolled resonant thing. I will always love Harbeths and will probably try another pair someday but for now I’m super happy and satisfied with ATC. Wish I would have discovered these years ago.

good luck!

I’ve owned every Harbeth minus the 40 ( room too small ). I liked all of them and I am now using the Super HL5 plus and in my room it is perfect. Head Bangers need not apply lookin’ at Harbeth! A Cerwin Vega type speaker would be more to your liking!

At last someone mentions the cabinets. In my opinion, the thin walled, "lossy" cabinets used on the Harbeths is a major detriment. I think this applies to all speakers with this type of construction. The designer offers an explanation as to why this is a viable method of construction, but this explanation makes no sense.