My history of speaker ownership, in no particular order.
Quad 988, Kef Reference 5, Stirling LS3/6, Klipsch Heresy 3, Kef LS50, Magnepan 1.7, Spendor BC1, Harbeth C7 40th anniversary edition.
I have also heard numerous speakers in shows, dealers, etc.
I now own Harbeth 40.3. Out of the speakers mentioned above I have kept only the Stirling LS3/6 because they are made by Derek Hughes, whom I admire, and resemble the 40.3 sound but in a much smaller scale.
The Harbeth 40.3 imo surpass all speakers that I owned previously. They excel in tonality, realism, voices, dynamics and they are tube friendly which is important to me. I have tried them with a MC275, Quicksilver mid monos, Cary CAD-300sei, and they have always sounded their best.
YMMV, but for me, the 40.3 is a truly end game speaker.