I'm a bit in a similar position trying to upgrade from another BBC speaker, the Spendor SP2/3R2. Admittedly I couldn't test a lot of brands, but I couldn't find the "better" sound, at least not for a decent amount of money. I have recently tested a pair of Sonus Faber Serafino at home and they didn't quite cut it (a very forward but otherwise wonderful tweeter, by the way). I would have liked to also try Devore, Fink, Tannoy (and maybe Fyne) and the other BBC type speakers - Graham, Stirling, maybe you can check them out, I couldn't. So I have just bought the bigger Spendors, the Classic 100 (the equivalent of the Harbeth M40.x). Small room so bass is a challenge, but we'll see what room treatment can do about it.
I have also owned a pair of Harbeth M30.2 Anniversary and frankly preferred the Spendors. You can read my impressions here: https://forum.audiogon.com/posts/2700741. For others or in a different system the Harbeth's could simply be the ticket.