Da Vinci Grand referenzza toneram

Did somebody heard the new Da Vinci tonearm and how does it compare to the old one and to toher competitors 5IKEDA, Schrôder, Graham etc)
I have been interested in this arm as well, would go on
a Basis 2500. Just curious if any one knew is someone is
bringing this arm in the US right now. I know Highwater
Sound is not any longer.
Copy from their Website:

We are pleased to announce our distributor for:


Tangram Audio LLC.
3131 Piccolo St.
Pasadena California 91107
Phone +1 (626) 689-8904
Thanks for the info Thomas. I am so intriqued
by the arm, but there is a conservative side
of me that wants to hear from more owners experiences.
It would also be nice to be able to call a dealer,
and have him say " I carry brand X, but feel that
the DaVinci would be better for your Jade Platinum."
This all FWIW of course.
Thank you Thomas,

my TT is T-W Akustic Raven, driven by Air Tight ATM 3 ATE 2 ATH 2 with Kondo silver cables. Did you ever heard about HRS racks (I think of it only for my TT but 3300 $ ... I ask myself if it worth the buck
If you want something for under your TW. Silent Running Audio is the company you want to contact. The have a working relationship in developing a platfrom for under the TW.