DAC 3-4k range

Time to start looking for an upgrade. Will look to buy used in the 3-4k price range.

Currently using an Audio Note kits 2.1, and like it very much in all ways. One perspective I have is to just get "more of it" and upgrade in the AN line, if in fact higher level models improve on the basic characteristics.

But I don't have a lot of experience with DACs into this new price territory, so I'm interested in hearing what other folks like so I can do some more research.

My primary requirement is balanced outputs.

It will be driven by a Logitech Transporter and feed an Ayre AX-7e.
I am very partial to the Berkeley Alpha DAC. I've lived with them for some time now and actually cannot think of anything I'd change about it. I continue to develop my system around it and it just keeps getting better. It also has a great volume control so if you care to, you could get rid of the Transporter, get a USB converter to go from a server to the dac and even sell your integrated and get an amp. Simplify and improve quality at the same time. Plenty of reviews, both user and professional, available on the web. Computeraudiophile.com has quite a few users, posted reviews etc.
There are many nice units in the market. Ayre makes a nice one that would mate well with your electronics. Also, ARC DAC8, Bryston - among others, are probably very good alternatives.

I'm enjoying great audio with the Ayre QB-9 into an AX-7e running balanced with Cardas Clear cabling. But of course that's with USB in asynchronous mode, not compatible with your logitech transporter. It's rumored that the next Ayre DAC may support S/PDIF or AES/EBU input as an additional option.

Barring those, I recently heard a system with Antelope Zodiac Gold running in balanced mode that was also incredible, IMO. Good luck in your auditioning.

It would be a mistake to leave Lampizator out of your considerations. I'm listening to a level 3 with lampizator transport now and it is very good digital.