DAC options to consider for Innuos streamer

I currently listen to music through Qobuz with an Innuos Zen Mini Mk III as a server and Roon core.  Rather than the Mini DAC I use the DA2 DAC module in my McIntosh MA8950 integrated amp.  My speakers are Sonus faber Olympica Nova IIIs.  I enjoy the sound quality of this system.


When I upgrade my streamer to an Innuos Pulsar, what DACs might I consider that would be an upgrade from the DA2 module and would complement my system?


I have the Pulsar and run it USB into a Lampizator Atlantic TRP.  The Lampizator just takes a smidgen of the edge off the focal Sopra 3 berillium tweeter.  It is rich with the toped sparkle.

USB to Denafrips IRIS to Pontus II via I2S, surperb combo for less than a Terminator.

I have an Innuos Zenith and use a Merason Reuss DAC, I have been very pleased with this combination. I recently swapped in a WireWorld Platinum USB cable, I cannot overstate how much difference this made, a massive improvement. Point being, don’t skimp on the cable when you in the next DAC. 

I have & really enjoy an Innuos Zenith Mark II for both streaming Qobuz & ripping my CD’s. I just very recently upgraded to  Bricasti M 1 Series II DAC & thrilled with the sound. Huge sound stage, very dynamic,, beautiful tone, dead quiet all without being hard or “ digital” sounding. Its the first time I’ve heard digital sound on my system that is on par w/ my Basis table / arm combo. It’s pricey but worth it if you can afford it.

I live in MA & got a personal tour of their facility in Shirley, MA in an old converted factory on a river. They machine every non  - electronic part themselves on 4 big CNC milling machines & hand wind their own transformers there too. They use high quality electronic components, design the circuits & have the main board built next door to them by a specialty company that has another very high tech CNC machine & special oven for the soldering. 

Im sure there are many fine DACS out there but I like the idea of smaller, artisan companies that produce quality products. There aren’t that many left anymore.