DAC recommendation for DSD input

Hello-- 80% of my listening is streaming local DSD (64-256) files via Roon. My current system is Roon Core on an iMac Pro making its way to a Sonore Optical Rendu which is connected, via USB to the DAC in my Hegel H390 integrated which feeds Magico A3 speakers and a pair of REL S/510 subs.. There is nothing at all objectionable to my current system, nonetheless, I am wondering if an external DAC might be an improvement over the H390's DAC and if that is a worthwhile spend.  I am space constrained so I must stick with an integrated (pre+amp), but do have space for a DAC and the Rendu system.

I have spent hours researching many of the newer and older DACS, including the cheaper "Chifi" DACS (Topping, Gustard R26 and X26iii),  T+A 200 DAC, PS Audio Direct Stream MKi2 and Mola Mola Tambaqui (used) and other DACs in-between (Denefrips Pontus and Terminator, Holo May, Wyred for Sound 10th anniversary, etc).  

I would rather spend $5k-$10K for a significant improvement as opposed to  $1K-$4K for no or a slight improvement. My hope is for more resolution, more musicality, less high frequency fatigue, tighter bass.  Is it unrealistic to expect that an external DAC will bring a significant improvement?

My system is in a decent room, but there is little to no choice in speaker placement or room treatment opportunities.

I have a chance to audition the T+A 200 DAC and the Direct Stream MK2.  In a previous system, I had an MSB Discrete stack which was nice, but I'm not sure that would be the worth the cost today.

What type of DAC (chip based, FPGA, R2R, OS/NOS) is more structured to DSD input?  I've almost ruled out R2R, but could be mistaken?  The deeper I look, the more confused I get.  

Thanks for any recommendations or advice.




Has anyone tried the Meitner MA3 converts all music to DSD…was thinking it would be a good match for my horn speakers…from what I have heard it calms them down a tad…

The Tambaqui holds some benefits for your situation. If you buy used, you can probably sell it quickly if it doesn’t work for you. Most of the used ones are in very good condition because of how light/small they are (i.e., easy to pack/unpack, position, and ship) and because of the protective flight case they ship in.

I recommend getting Sonore’s ultraDigital ($500 @small green) so you can take advantage of the Tambaqui’s I2S input. I owned a Tambaqui and found it to sound just about perfect. I sold mine because I preferred the (slightly colored) sound of my NOS R2R DACs, but I don’t stream DSD. I have not heard a T+A DAC but they have a good reputation and a strong following. Good luck.

@joshua43214-- thanks for the detailed write up. The SGCI9 is on my future list for sure, mainly for the direct optical connection to the Rendu. I wish that connection was available in their I5 line. Perhaps I'll take up HQplayer some day but doubt I'll be doing anything complex.

@xwfalcon--thanks, I can demo the T+A and I can return the pre-owned Tambaqui if its not for me, but they will charge 5% restocking.

@victor and @stievus-- thanks for the recos, I will check them out.

@mitch2-- what did you replace Tambaqui with?


@hysteve- Thank you, can you elaborate on "However I only use it for PCM because it’s too much hassle to play DSD. I’m using Innuos for streaming Qobuz and I’d need to buy a powerful computer to utilize the DSD feature"

Do you mean to convert PCM to DSD upstream of DAC as opposed to just having local DSD files (from ripped SACDs or purchase)?