Responses from mintakax
DAC recommendation for DSD input Thanks everyone for all your helpful advice! Hopefully I'll be able to make a move late next week. If the pre-owned Tambaqui is still available, I'll probably start there and post the results. | |
DAC recommendation for DSD input @mitch2-- Thank you. I am impressed with your knowledge and experience regarding DACs. @fasrfreight-- Thanks, I just purchased the Optical Rendu a few weeks ago, mainly because the Hegel H390 had a low res network input (DSD64 only) and the Re... | |
DAC recommendation for DSD input @joshua43214-- I just found out that the optical connection has been removed from the SGC SonicTransporter I9. From Andrew at SGC: "We removed the fiber network connection from the sonicTransporter i9. We found using the latest version of our Eth... | |
DAC recommendation for DSD input @hysteve- Thank you, can you elaborate on "However I only use it for PCM because it’s too much hassle to play DSD. I’m using Innuos for streaming Qobuz and I’d need to buy a powerful computer to utilize the DSD feature" Do you mean to convert PCM... | |
DAC recommendation for DSD input @joshua43214-- thanks for the detailed write up. The SGCI9 is on my future list for sure, mainly for the direct optical connection to the Rendu. I wish that connection was available in their I5 line. Perhaps I'll take up HQplayer some day but doub... | |
DAC recommendation for DSD input Thanks aberyclark, I'm definitely going to audition a T+A. Hopefully next week or so. | |
DAC recommendation for DSD input Thanks to all so far for the responses, much appreciated. milpai-- yes, the burning in issue is PIA if they send you a brand new unit which you only have for a week! cdennison53-- I live in Boulder and PS Audio is a short car ride away, they hav... | |
DAC recommendation for DSD input Thanks kennymacc. I agree, it's very hard to get in home auditions anymore and buying pre-owned is a crap shoot and waste of time if the equipment isn't satisfactory. Upgrading audio is not as much fun as it used to be :) | |
DAC recommendation for DSD input Thank you jsalerno277- Funny you mention it. A server is in my upgrade plans, I thought an external DAC may provide a larger improvement so considered doing that first. The server will happen either way eventually. And if the DAC is a Tambaqui, i... | |
DAC recommendation for DSD input Thank you for telling of your experience with the H390. I am trying to avoid the idea that spending more equals improvement. I think I will demo the T+A soon. |