DAC suggestion to pair with MC275 & Usher Spk

I am looking for a DAC and open to suggestions. 2 questions; what DAC is recommended for my system and what differences should I expect with a tube DAC vs. SS DAC?

Current System: MacMini/Pure Music, Usher CD-7 II, Usher P307 PreAmp, McIntosh MC275 MK1 (1964), Usher Dancer Mini Two. Cables TBD.
ok last question. How do I get more base out of this? I know the Voltikus power supply will help but do I need to look at another MC275 and run as mono blocks and or add a sub? thanks again.....

by the way the system is up and running now without the Antelope; running CD's for now. Sounds Great! Wife wants more base.
A sub or even two.

I'd plug 2x Vandersteen 2wq. It's inexpensive and very precise sub ever made. I consider that the best value sub.

You also can get tube-friendly floor-standers instead of your monitors, but bass will not be any deeper than with sub.

thats a great base suggestion. I like the 3 speaker design for responsiveness. I will look at adding 2 Vandersteen 2wq, the Antelope Silver with Voltikus very soon. Following that i will eventually add a 2nd MC275 and I will let you know how it works.

by the way the Usher Mini Dancers are floor standing speakers they are not the monitors. Never the less the mid and high tones are outstanding.

Thanks again for all your informed recommendations.
I also have an MC275 and a sub. Rel Storm III in my case. Speakers are B&W 804S. Sounds great to me.

Lately I've been focusing on improving my digital front end, but one aspect I have toyed for a while is relieving the MC275 from reproducing low frequencies. Even if your speakers can't get that low, your amp is still bending head over backwards to reproduce the low end, which is consuming significant power and where tube amps are not best. So, introducing a crossover between the pre and amp and allowing the MC275 only to amplify say 100 Hz and up, while letting the sub amplify from 100 Hz and down looks interesting on paper. This is called biamplification and some people swear by it. I haven't tried it (yet), but thought I should bring this to your attention considering the options you are considering. Please note not all subs can reproduce 90-100 Hz well - my REL for example is not good above 60-65 Hz. Even though it's capable of doing higher fdrequencies, it doesn't sound good.

I hope this is useful.