DAC with 4 S/PDIF inputs

My living room setup has four sources: cable box, Blu-Ray player, PS3 and Sonos. Right now, I am using a rather complex combination of electronics in order to link them all up to my speakers (Merlin VSM-MX). There are two issues that force this arrangement. First, the Merlins only sound their best when the inputs are run through the BAM, and my BAM is single-ended only. Second, I have an integrated amplifier, so I can't hook up the BAM between a pre-amp and amp. In short, I need a single signal path that can be switched between the sources and the amp.

Right now, the approach that I am using is this:

1. The cable box won't output PCM through the digital outputs, so I need to take the analog output and use an ADC to convert it to a digital signal (coax S/PDIF).

2. The Playstation 3 has a Toslink output only.

3. The Sonos and Blu-Ray player offer both coax and Toslink options. I am using the Toslink for both of these.

4. The three Toslink outputs are run through an A/V switch so I can switch between them.

5. My DAC (CIAudio VDA-2) has a switch to go between the coax and Toslink inputs.

I'd prefer to simplify this arrangement if possible. I'm looking to see what DACs have either four S/PDIF inputs (including at least one coax and one Toslink input) or three S/PDIF inputs (including at least one Toslink) and an analog pass-through. I'd also prefer it have a remote control, but it's not strictly necessary.

The options I know about that meet these requirements are:

Wyred4Sound DAC-1 and DAC-2
Meitner Audio MA-1
Weiss Medea

Does anyone know of any other options out there? I am just interested in knowing what options are available, so price is not a concern just yet.

Thank you.
The Blacknote DAC30 has 4 coaxial, 2 Async USB and some other thing as well. It has 4 tubes in the output stage and comes with a remote to change inputs and has a volume control if you want to use it. Practically a "Swiss Army Knife" of DACs.
I had forgotten about the Zodiac. Yes, that does look like an interesting option.

I also noticed that the Bel Canto DAC 2.5 has one Toslink, 2 coax, and an analog pass-through.
Get a good switching box.... I've used the following Inday product for years and can't be happier. Check out http://www.inday.com/da4x/da4x.htm.