Dallas (Fort Worth) Audiophile Club - we meet every month or every other month

I run an audiophile group in DFW, we call ourselves DFW audiophile club aka DFWAC.  

We have 6 core members who make it to every meet, we have 4-5 others who cycle in and out.

We just met and had a great time, we listened to a pair of Wilson Alexandria X2S2, Boulder 3060 amp, Boulder 2110 preamp, DCS Vivaldi full stack including DAC/upsampler/clock/transport, with dual JL Audio F113 subs, and full Transparent Magnum Opus speaker wire and interconnects and Tara Labs power cables.

We usually meet once a month or every other month, we usually meet on a Wednesday at 6p, then dinner at 8p, hang out until about 11p.

It's a great group, we have become friends. We have been meeting for about a year.

PM me if you want to join or show off your system.

This is an invitation to attend SpeakerFest 2022 Saturday August 27th

10am-4pm At the Fountain Hills Community Center near Phoenix.

AZAVCLUB.com for details.

Two new speaker models will be debuting there. One from Falcon Acoustics and

another from LSA. Dennis Murphy of Philharmonic and Leo of Orchard Audio will present their products.

About 20 different models to experience for $10 admission. DEAL!!

Previous meeting:

DFWAC #24 at George's on 8/20/22

Next meeting:

DFWAC #25 at Rob's on 10/22/22

Space is limited, we only have 1 or 2 spots remaining. 


Invite your DFW friends to join our marketplace on fb.  North Texas Oklahoma High End Marketplace.  Buy and Sell and Talk about Gear and deal somewhat local, and ditch fedex and ups...

DFWAC 26 at Al’s was a success.


20 members


Next meeting in the works.


Stay tuned.