DarTZeel Preamp

Does anyone have experience with the new DarTZeel NHB 18NS Preamplifier? A few 'Goners have commented on hearing the unit at 2005 CES, but I was wondering in particular if anyone has purchased one, or heard one in a familiar system or at a dealer for instance. Thanks.
just reading this thread can make you physically and emotionally drained!!
i hope the manufacturers of these and other products are paying attention! talk about a negative first impression !! it's the products sales that may suffer through personalities overtaking facts...
may i suggest that if you need to get personal,take it off the original posting and go at it on your own e-mail!!
your all too saavy to exhibit yourselves like this.
With the recent press about the darTZeel products,
I was going to consider this on my next upgrade.
But after seeing the importer's childish behavior on this thread (as well as his need to get the final word in)
I would never consider a product represented by him.
PLEASE to have to rely on him for service????????
"Fmpnd: I just realized that most of the people here that are standing up for you and attacking me have email addresses and no user accounts here.

"I am wondering who is putting them up to it and who these people actually are."

JTinn, just to set the record straight, I am not new here and I have posted many, many times. No one put me up to posting in this thread. It's your vitriol that motivated me to post. Anytime someone criticizes a product you sale, the daggers come out. It's unprofessional and often mean-spirited. Anyone can do a search for the many examples.

As someone who is constantly salesshacking here, you could take some lessons in civility from another dealer on the 'Gon, Duke, who is always a perfect gentleman, even when someone disagrees with him or criticizes a product he sells.

If I were the manufacturer of Dartzeel, I would have shut you down in this thread a long time ago. Your attack-dog tactics in this thread couldn't have been helpful to their products.
Right on, Hooper!

I do hope other issues in this thread could also be settled offline.


all, i have been watching TV for the last 4 days. this thread has made me avoid listening to music......as i don't want to be reminded of these issues. i listen to escape the daily stress and look forward to sharing in the audio community.

i accept my share of the blame.

this morning i am back listening.